NeurOptimal® 10 Session Brain Spa
If you are training for lasting change, start with 10 sessions.
Service Description
Sessions are usually conducted once or twice a week for optimal effect. At AAGALA recommends 20 to 30 sessions to see lasting changes, though most people begin to notice changes from the first session. There are noticeable lasting changes starting around 10 sessions and beyond. 10 sessions really help you to feel better quickly if coming once or twice a week. Talk to me about coming to your place, if it is too hard to come to Glenreagh. There will be a minimal travel charge added to the fee for service.

Cancellation Policy
For individual sessions, please give us the courtesy of cancelling at least 24hrs in advance. A group session will need a minimum of 72hrs notice to cancel. Thankyou
Contact Details
1782 Orara Way, Glenreagh NSW, Australia